Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Monday, March 17, 2025
Event Time
Event Time: 1:00 PM - to 3:00 PM
Event Description
To serve women impacted by life’s challenges
- To bring women together to empower each other through positive thoughts, actions, ideas and creativity, no matter what age, culture, race, or background.
- To give women a safe, soft place to land where they can express their thoughts, feelings and manifest their ideas with the help and encouragement of other women.
- To create weekly “fun days” that each woman can participate in and feel a part of.
- To give each woman a chance to be empowered by taking lead roles in class activity.
- US helping US through life’s challenges, without peril
Hosted by: Mrs. Laurencene Wright
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Location Details
Address for ICJ
1207 Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107