We work with many partners in support of the work that we do in supporting persons impacted by mass incarceration and or the criminal legal system. We work with city agencies, courts, and correctional institutions to make sure that we are getting the work done where the work is needed, to directly provide service and keep people impacted by mass incarceration from falling through the cracks.
We work with the municipal, state and federal courts in the Philadelphia region including First Judicial District of PA, Philadelphia Municipal Court, the Court of Common Pleas, Pretrial Services, and Adult Probation and Parole. We also work with city agencies via the Office of Reentry Partnerships, the Philadelphia Reentry Coalition, and the District Attorney’s Office, as well as the Philadelphia Defender Association. Finally, we have solidified relationships with the Philadelphia Department of Prisons and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.
Program Partners
Our program partners work closely with us to make sure that our reentry programs, services and events meet the needs of our community. They play an active role in the programs that we provide to our participants and work as co-collaborators in meeting the needs of returning individuals.
Some of our partners include:

Healthcare Linkage

Expungement Clinics
Workforce Partners
Our workforce partners trust us to connect them with committed individuals in reentry looking to get their lives back on track. There are many benefits to hiring returning individuals and these partners work with us to improve the lives and careers of our participants, through meaningful employment.
Referral Partners
It takes a community to meet the needs of the Philadelphia reentry community. At ICJ we pride ourselves on maintaining strong referral relationships with the many organizations throughout the city catering to returning citizens. These include halfway houses, inpatient and outpatient recovery facilities, service providers, educators, and other reentry centers.