How We Help

Our goal, as we state in our mission, is to serve anyone impacted by mass incarceration by providing support to allow them to thrive as their fullest selves. We have the testimonials and the numbers to back this up.


Reentry Center

When it comes to reentry, one size doesn’t fit all. Everyone has their own unique needs in order to feel empowered to make a life for themselves on the outside. This is why we provide so many different services, because each person is in charge of their own reentry journey.

To track people’s success at reentry, the big number is recidivism. Our reentry services are chosen by an evidence-based assessment of what is proven to provide the greatest reduction in recidivism, to help make sure that once people return home, they stay home for good. The numbers show that people who are clients at ICJ recidivate 50 percent less often than the general Philadelphia population.

Sources:, and a selection of new ICJ intakes from 2019 whose dockets pulled 10/28/2020 indicated re-incarceration.

Additionally, in 2019 we:

  • Processed an average of 43 intakes of unique individuals per month, of whom:
  • 194 were linked to healthcare
  • 78 were linked to job opportunities
  • 151 completed programming such as Anger Management, Financial Literacy, or Parenting


During the COVID-19 pandemic, our reentry center saw some challenges, but we nevertheless continued to do our best to provide supportive services to people coming home from jail or prison. While we had to stop seeing people in our offices, we were able to maintain one-on-one remote case management sessions to offer support and resources to returning citizens.

The 2020 numbers show that while we weren’t able to see as many people, we made up for it by offering more targeted care. In 2020 we:

  • Processed an average of 20 intakes of unique individuals per month
  • Provided an average of 45 case management sessions every month
  • Program services / case management sessions per person increased from 1.28 to 2.26 during COVID.

Prison Linkages & Prison Support

Our Prison Linkages and Prison Support programs, while also affected by COVID, managed to pivot to providing more targeted care as well. We have continued providing the same level of case management to people behind the walls, and healthcare linkage to people with HIV, through the COVID pandemic and beyond.

Prison Linkages

  • Average of 80.5 unique individuals per month pre-COVID linked to care (2019).
  • Average of 47 unique individuals per month post-COVID linked to care (2020).
  • Average units of care per person went up from 3.96 to 5.02 during COVID.

Prison Support

  • Average 67 in-person support sessions per month pre-COVID (2019)
  • Average 17 virtual or in-person support sessions, 55 emails and 77 calls/letters per month post-COVID (2020).